Dog Care Dog Health Care: The different ways in which our pets get infection and in turn we get it Every time we go outside with your dog. Pets are more liable to get ticks. The little ticks are hard to see and can easily hide in a dog’s fur. And they could be carrying a disabling illness, the name of which sends fear through the hearts of dog owners everywhere—Lyme disease. But, we can also say Lyme is a rare illness that can usually be treated successfully. It is also inevitable as ticks are everywhere; our pets are at constant risk of infection. Without medications and interceptors dogs can have the disease but not look sick. In some cases pets bodies quietly tackle the infection with no problem. But other dogs come down with symptoms months after the tick bite. But Lyme disease is not that dangerous as it sounds. But with proper medication and regular interceptors like interceptor worm and interceptor heartgard medicines so all we have to do is take precautions to minimize the risk caused due to ticks. Ticks happen It’s probably not an uncommon occurrence for dogs get ticks. What owners see most often are dog ticks which can easily be cured with some interceptors? These ticks will feed on pet’s blood, swelling in the process. More of the concern should be given if the tick is the small deer-tick. This species, Ixodes scapularis, can spread Lyme disease. Although these ticks are tiny little pests, they can cause big problems like limping, lameness, swollen joints, fever, and pain to pets. An immediate consulting to your nearby veterinarians for a strong dosage of interceptors. Ticks go through four life stages over a two-year span: eggs, larva, nymphs, and adults. They feed off a host once in each of the last three stages and usually transmit the disease in the nymphal stage. The ticks hatched this year in mid- to late May, which means that dog owners should give best medications and interceptors to the pets. Adult deer ticks usually feed on deer, while the nymphs often feed on white-footed mice. (The mice are often carrying Lyme, which is how the nymphs get infected.) But if these preferred hosts are not available, ticks can also feed on other warm-blooded animals, including dogs and humans. Not every deer tick bite is cause for concern, however. The tick must be carrying the Lyme bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, and remain attached to a dog for about 36 to 48 hours to cause infection. However, even if these conditions are met, it’s not likely that our dog will get sick. In fact, approximately 80 percent of infected dogs never show symptoms. Dogs tend to handle the disease well medicine. Many dogs self-immunize. When Lyme strikes Lyme is a tricky disease. When dogs do develop symptoms, it’s often several months after being bitten by an infected tick, he explained. In the dogs the disease can be harsh. Dogs get lethargic and stiff-jointed, and do not eat, and sometimes can barely move because of the pain. Dogs sometimes develop a rash, like infected humans, Generally it appears on the dog’s belly, but can usually only be seen on light-skinned dogs. If the dog shows any symptoms, the first thing an owner usually notices is an unexplained limp. Usually the hip joint in the hind legs is affected, and the condition can be pretty painful, he added. If untreated, dogs can suffer from neurological, heart, or kidney problems. So proper medications and interceptors and growing stage itself will prevent any of these tragedies. A new blood test has made it easier for veterinarians to check for exposure to the Lyme bacteria. A blood test is taken every dog that’s getting a heartworm test. The testing turns up six to eight Lyme-positive dogs a week during heartworm season. The positive dogs may never have gotten ill, or just developed a mild fever and flu-like symptoms that went undetected by their owners. With older dogs, however, it can be harder to definitively attribute Lyme-like symptoms to Lyme disease. If a dog does test positive for exposure to the Lyme bacteria, the veterinarian will usually prescribe an antibiotic and a few other medications. The medication won’t get rid of the Lyme bacteria completely, but it will help reduce the level of it in the dog’s blood. The motive is to keep the level of Lyme bacteria down in the safe range—that way the dog won’t feel or show any signs of illness So the medications do that purpose. Lyme prevention: vaccines Several Lyme vaccines are available for dogs, and will help prevent infection if a vaccinated dog is bitten by a Lyme-carrying tick. Dog owners can consult their own veterinarians to find out whether these medications are worthwhile. At times concerns from people who worry the canine vaccine will cause autoimmune problems in dogs. We can use the Merial brand of the vaccine since 1996 which has no side effects. If we do choose to have our dog vaccinated, it should be at least 6 to 9 months old. Owners of dogs that are frequently exposed to tick-infested areas, like hunting dogs, often do decide to use the vaccine. Vaccine alternatives Vaccination isn’t the only way to protect dogs against Lyme, however. If you live in a tick-infested area, using topical treatments on your dog is one method of prevention. Anti-tick coat sprays that contain permethrin work well. One of the best defenses is simply minimizing the dog’s exposure to ticks—less exposure means the dog is less likely to contract the disease. To decrease exposure, keep dogs out of shady spots, long grasses, and wooded areas where ticks thrive. To protect dogs in their own backyards, pet owners can make a "safety zone" around their homes. We can further decrease the tick population by having a professional exterminator treat your property occasionally. Putting a fence around your property and spraying pesticide around the perimeter can cut back on the number of ticks carried in by deer, said Dr. Stafford. Homeowners can also choose certain plants that deer find less appetizing.