
Pet medication

Pet Care

To grow an healthy dog

Tick prevention

Golden rules

Dog care

Flea control

Treating you pets


Dog Care

Dog Health Care:

             If anyone is the veteran of the puppy rearing scene you surely can recall the excitement and enthusiasm you felt when you brought that furry little bundle home for the first time. And if this is your very first pup... there may be just a bit of "What have I done?" anxiety about this major moment in your life.

And well you should be just a bit anxious... owning and caring for a puppy is a huge responsibility. And with a bit of luck and good dog health care you should see that little rascal live well in to it's late teens.

A healthy dog is a happy dog! Once you know the simple ways to maintain your dog's good health, you improve the quality of his life and lengthen his life expectancy. This translates into having lots of fun with your dog for a long time!

It's up to you.
- Only you can detect fleas and ticks...
- or keep a first aid kit well stocked...
- or keep your pooch on a leash...
- or feed your dog the proper diet...
- or, ultimately, call the veterinarian.

Remember, we should be very interactive with dog or anyone else. If you know how to detect potential problems or illnesses with dog health care, you greatly increase the chance that your pooch will live a wonderful, healthy life.

Dog Health:

There is a large disparity between the life span of a dog and our life span. After having loved a pet and lost one, it seems unfair. The best we can do is to keep our friends as “forever young.” Several factors have been shown to increase the life span of pets.

Tips for helping  your pet healthy and young fduring its life span includes about:

Know When Your Pet is “Old.” :Here the pets old age is considered largely on their breed and size

Observe the Illness. Careful observation at home is extremely important. By nature of survival, It is highly difficult to find pets illness  very easier and shorter. Indications of weight loss or loss of musculature. Things to observe in the home includes , the changes in water consumption or patterns of urination, poor appetite, weight loss or gain, coughing or difficulty breathing, changes in activity level, vomiting, diarrhea and skin lumps or masses.

Weight Control: Excess weight puts excess stress on your pet’s heart. When the heart doesn’t function properly, other organs may suffer including the brain, lungs, liver and kidneys. Sometimes these problems cause life-threatening conditions.

Keep Close Tabs. Senior pets have decreased reflexes and may not see and hear as well as they used to. This makes them vulnerable to outside dangers such as predators or cars.

Monitor Your Environment. It will keep poisons up and out of the reach of pets. Common toxins are antifreeze, rat poison and slug bait. Keep trash out of reach.

Nutrition. Feed your pet a premium high quality diet. Feed low fat and high fiber since high fat and/or low fiber are thought to decrease life expectancy. The merits of a diet formulation for “senior” pets is to make  them nutritious and low in calories. Air-popped popcorn is very good for dogs.

Exercise. Exercise helps to maintain a healthy body weight, strengthens joints and muscles and it also provides some mental stimulation .

Spay and Neuter. Spayed and neutered pets tend to have fewer health problems. Spaying defines , the removal of the ovaries and uterus. Without these organs, ovarian cysts, uterine infections and cancer of the reproductive tract are no longer a concern. Neutering is the removal of the testicles. Without these organs, testicular cancer is no longer a concern and it is very risk for prostate problems and it  is reduced.

Mental Stimulation. We should interact with your pets by providing the toys, games and quality time. Encourage mental stimulation. It is not too late for old dogs to teach new tricks.